Our Philosophy:

The Future is Sacred.

so, it's up to us to...


Make it Beautiful.

The past is precious. It is the source of who we have become - and of the challenges we have yet to overcome. 

The future lies ahead of us. Not yet lived. It is the source of who we might become....and of all that we have the potential to create.

In the space between the past and the future, we live our everyday life.

Our 21st century everyday life is stressful in ways our ancestors could not have imagined. We suffer from too fast, too much, and too virtual. In response, our mind-body craves harmony, connection, and authenticity. To create our beautiful future, we must first attend to the sources of our stress.

Stress from past challenges remain with us today, mapped in our neurobiology.  Through mind-body modalities, these challenges can be safely re-examined and released.

Stress from everyday life presents ongoing challenges to our mind-body.  Through meditation, mindful awareness, and skill development, these challenges can be confidently met and successfully managed.

When we uplift our everyday life, opportunities to create a beautiful future become more apparent. From that place of mind-body integration, we are happier, more insightful, and more resourceful.  Possibilities for beautiful creation abound.   

We believe we have a responsibility to make the future as beautiful as we possibly can. 

Our dedication to creating a beautiful future for all of us lies “At the Heart” of Au Coeur Center.